Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Where we have been ...

First we will go back to Thanksgiving. We had a lot of family over this year to celebrate with us. Uncle Jim Aunt Connie, Grandpa Schulz, Aunt Joni, Uncle Brian, Brianna, Tyler, Aunt Lindsey, Uncle Brendan, Gramma, Papa and Grandma Shockey made for a full house. It was wonderful!! I love when we are surrounded by family. It turns out I was not on top of the picture taking so I only have a few. A little warning this is a long post.

Liam's turkey on his homemade pumpkin pie

Uncle Jim and Papa "watching" football after dinner. 

Grandpa Schulz told stories that had everyone crying from laughing so hard. After dinner most of the afternoon was spent simply hanging out with family. Truly a great day.

Next we celebrated my birthday with a dinner out the Saturday before when Aunt Lindsey was still here. Then on my birthday it was a beautiful day  in the 50's so I took Grayson and Declan to the zoo for the afternoon. We had a wonderful time visiting their favorites, the aquarium, gorillas, lions and the jungle. 

Declan, Mommy, and Grayson in the jungle
Grayson and Declan at the zoo
Later that evening we went and picked out our Christmas tree. Usually this is what we do for my birthday. We go out to dinner or lunch and then go get the Christmas tree and boy did Tristan and Colin not let me forget that this is what we do on my birthday. Since it was on a Tuesday this year I figured we would get the tree later over the weekend but those two silly boys do not like me changing things on them. It turned out to be the best day to go tree shopping anyway. It was warmer and we were going to be gone the next weekend.

Liam and Declan taking the tree to the car. 

Wednesday night we decorated the tree and our house for Christmas. Tristan and Grayson were so helpful untangling the lights and putting them on the tree. 

I don't think Tristan thought Grayson was much help! After the lights were up everyone got busy adding ornaments and decorating the rest of the house.

Once all of our stockings were hung with care we were not done decorating. We still had two more houses to help decorate. The farm and Gramma and Papa's house. (unfortunately I forgot my camera for Gramma and Papa's house so no pictures) First, we went to the farm to help decorate. The first Christmas without Grandma Schulz will be hard for everyone and we wanted to help make it as festive and joyful as we could. Grandpa Schulz came out to the house too and really enjoyed the day. He kept telling us what a wonderful day it was and he could not believe everyone would do this for him. I am so happy the boys and I were there to help.
Grandpa Schulz and Tristan
Uncle Brendan and Uncle Jim getting the lights on the tree
Of course there was plenty of time to play after the decorating was done. Papa, Grandpa Schulz and Liam played cards. Then Liam showed Grandpa Schulz what the iPad was about.

Grandpa Schulz and the beautiful tree full of angels made by Grandma Schulz