Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Beautiful Fall Day

Last Sunday it was just that, a beautiful fall day. The boys spent most of the afternoon outside playing so I took some time to snap some pictures. Grayson was particularly into getting his picture taken so there may be a few of him. Here are some of my favorites.

Sunday, November 3, 2013


We love this time of year. We have so much fun decorating the house spooky inside and out. Most years the big boys know what their costumes will be very early like mid-September but this year they kept changing their minds. So much so that Greg was up until 1:30 Halloween (and his birthday) morning finishing up the handmade costumes he was making for Tristan and Colin. He is one focused Daddy. He wants the boys to love their costumes and have the best Halloween possible each year. They were both characters from Lord of the Rings. Liam was a cowboy, Declan was a wizard, and Grayson ended up being The Fonz. Grayson was not interested in putting on any of the costumes I tried. I think he ended up pretty cute!

Legoless (an elf from Lord of the Rings)
Now for the most shocking costume of the day was Daddy's. I remember at some point Greg telling me he was going to be a cowboy of some sort so I was totally shocked when I went to help him finish his costume and he came out looking like this.
Mrs. Georgina Shockey
He wore heals! They were maybe a half inch, more than I ever have worn and he wore them for a couple a few blocks during trick-or-treating. When he first came downstairs Declan and Grayson were a bit confused. You could see in their faces they were trying to figure out who this person was. It took Grayson a couple hours to let Greg touch him. Greg got quite a few laughing surprise responses from Gramma and Papa's neighbors. They were shocked and yet very impressed with his go for it attitude. Gramma also had a great reaction sure wish I had my camera ready for that.

After a quick dinner we all headed out trick-or-treating with Uncle Brendan and  joined with Matthew, Ben and Sam T. Grayson and I headed back to Gramma's after two blocks. He was having so much fun and really could have gone longer but every next house or next block he wanted to go meant another block I would have ended up carrying him home. Once we got to Gramma and Papa's house he immediately started emptying his pumpkin bag to see his goodies. He chose one big sucker, which he pretty much sat on the stairs eating his sucker and enjoying the variety of characters that came to the door.

 Ben T, Tristan, Colin, Greg and Brendan split from Matthew T, Sam, Liam and Declan.  Matthew started heading towards home with the little boys.  About an hour after we returned Liam and Declan came home. They were dropped off by Matthew who amazingly found a friends house just in time for Liam's emergency bathroom needs just a block from Gramma's. But I guess, when you gotta go you gotta go. I am not totally clear on the story but it sounds like he may have taken the potty training Declan too. Now that is a good friend.

It was at least forty five more minutes before the big boys returned.  They are getting older and want to go further each year. All in all it was a very successful night. Now after we celebrate Greg's birthday this weekend we will be ready to move on to holiday season. Halloween is the kick off to the holiday season with more fun, family, friends and good times ahead.

Halloween 2013