Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Trip to the Farm

Last weekend the big boys had two days off from school so we thought it would be a perfect time to visit Grandpa Schulz and play a bit at the farm. All the boys were excited to return. Declan asked every day leading up to the day we left if it was time to go see Grandpa Schulz. Such a cute kid. We headed straight for the assisted living home first to be sure and say hi to Grandpa and let him know we wanted to take him out the next day for a bit. I also thought it would be best to visit first before the boys got lost playing at the farm. It was good to see Grandpa in his new place. Although it's not his first choice I felt he was looking good and doing alright there. We visited about two hours then went to the farm.

When we arrived to the farm Liam found a new little friend. He named him Frisco. They were inseparable all weekend. So much so that this Mama almost brought the cat home too. If it wasn't for Daddy saying I was crazy we would have had five boys and a cat now.

Of course Liam was not the only one in love with Frisco the cat but he definitely was the one who was always playing with him. Aunt Joni (she and Brian were at the farm too) said the day we left the cat was not so happy. Frisco was a cute little kitten actually which is probably why I almost caved to the pleas!

On Sunday we picked up Grandpa for lunch. We went to one of his old favorites, Arbys. We then took the boys to a beautiful park next to a lake. It was very windy so Grandpa watched them play from the car. After the park we stopped by Dairy Queen. Grandpa has a bit of a sweet tooth when it comes to ice cream. 

After ice cream we took Grandpa back to his new place. It is difficult to leave him there although. As much as he wants to be at his own home I felt he is okay with being at the assisted living place. He does say that it is only for a little while then he will go home for a bit then go back to his new place. It's hard knowing Grandpa has lived on that land for 95 years! That's a long time.
Joni and I stayed a little while with him before we said goodbye for the day. The next day, Monday after lunch Greg and I took the boys back to visit again and say goodbye until next time.

Greg made the big boys bow and arrows and the farm was the perfect place to practice shooting. They spent hours shooting the bows and looking for them. It was very windy all weekend and the bows had an tendency to not go where you thought. 

Of course there was a lot of swinging by Declan. This boy found a love for swinging over the summer and can spend hours swinging high.

Tristan and Colin got in a little baseball practice. It is such a perfect place to play outside. No worries of being loud and crazy or balls going into a neighbors yard. It is just perfect!

The whole weekend was wonderful! Aunt Joni and Uncle Brian were there too which was a blast to spend time with them. Yet the weekend was bittersweet without Grandma Schulz around. She so would have enjoyed watching the boys play too.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

United Nations

The school the boys go to has a group called the United Nations. It is the schools student council and a very hard job to get as many of the students want in. Last year Colin was chosen to be a part and now this year both Tristan and Colin are part of the UN. They are both beyond thrilled to be chosen.
Last Friday they had a retreat where they were sworn in as UN members, learned about their jobs within the UN and spent the night at the school. Of course spending the night at the school and the walk to Dairy Queen was the highlight of the evening for the Tristan and Colin. I am so proud of both of them to have been chosen I know they will represent their school with respect.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Happy 3rd Birthday Declan!!!

 Declan spent his birthday going to Durham aka the Train Museum in the morning. He went through the long train four times. He would have spent all day in that train.

We ended our trip to the museum with a treat at the soda fountain. Declan and Grayson enjoyed an early treat of ice cream with chocolate sauce and sprinkles.

After a little rest he played bubbles in the backyard. His second favorite thing to do.

His night ended with his brothers singing happy birthday and a perfect little cupcake.