Friday, July 5, 2013

Happy Birthday Liam

Liam is 6 years old!

He got to chose breakfast, he chose Donut Professor. Yum, Yum!

I think he liked his new Lego set. 

He also chose dinner. He chose Romeos and was given a great big ice cream desert. 

 Liam had his first friend party. He had a turtle pinata,

they ran through the sprinkler, 
and had a water balloon fight with Daddy. 

 He had a wonderful couple of birthday days

 Liam is an awesome Lego building, minecraft playing, Spanish speaking, smart, energetic, goofy little man who makes our world a little brighter each day. He amazes us every day with what he says and can do. My little guy is turning into such a big kid. We love to watch him grow.