Saturday, June 22, 2013

We are the Champions!!!!

Tristan and Colin's baseball team made it into the finals this year! They played  double elimination games on Wednesday night. Yes that means they played two games back to back. The first game was the hardest. They played against another awesome team the UNO Mavericks and the game was pretty close the whole night. Both Tristan and Colin were on top of their game all night. They hit some great hits. Colin got one past the center fielder getting to second base and two runs in to score.  Tristan had a great hit down the first base line, got past the first baseman into the outfield staying fair the whole time. It was a little bit of a tense game since both teams wanted the win so badly. I know I was very nervous for them all night. The first game came down to the sixth inning (they only play six innings or one hour & fifty minutes which ever comes first) the Aztecs in the outfield and up by one point. The Mavericks at bat two outs and of course bases loaded. Can you say aaahhhh! Our team had put in a new pitcher who was pitching great, the batter had 2 balls and 2 strikes, he foul tipped the ball and Tristan CAUGHT it! Winning the game!! He was beaming from ear to ear for quite some time. We are so proud of him. Tristan has really become a catcher this season.

Game One Aztecs vs. Mavericks
 Colin watching the ball before he runs

 Tristan catching

Colin getting home and scoring! 

After the game against the Mavericks our team had to play another game at 8:00 that night. This time they were playing the Dodgers. The Aztecs had first at bat which ended up taking a half an hour and going through the entire batting order. On the one hand this set them up well for the rest of the night on the other hand it made for a very long game. The boys' were all on such an adrenalin high from the first game that they were all on fire playing strong. The whole team was hitting and fielding like pros. This game ended up being only three innings it timed out rather than getting through six innings. We won 19-10! Winning these two games put the Aztecs into the championship game Thursday night! Tristan and Colin were so excited and a bit tired.
Tristan at bat against the Dodgers
Colin at bat, Tristan on third base waiting for Colin's hit to bring him home.

Thursday night was the championship game!! 
pregame pep talk from Coach Will
The boys were pretty excited all day. We kept our activities to a minimum so Tristan and Colin could rest up for the big game. At 6:00 the game started. Again, the Aztecs were at bat first. They got off to a great start with scoring four points.

Tristan at bat

Colin at bat
Colin hitting Tristan home

Tristan crossing home plate
The boys were all ecstatic! Then the Fighting Irish were up to bat and also started off strong with some great hits and scoring four points too. Which made me nervous for the boys. Both Tristan and Colin were on top of their game again. Tristan played catcher all but one inning, Colin was all over playing all the outfield positions and second base. They both hit great hits and scored during the game.

Tristan throwing to third base to get the runner out

Colin playing right field going after the ball

DC/AC (team nick names) watching their team winning

 The whole team played like the champs they proved themselves to be.  After six intense innings the Aztecs won 12-9 and became the Hillside/Memorial Little League Champions!!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Little Boys and Baseball

I have shared many pictures of Tristan, Colin and Liam playing ball lately but what about the littlest Shockey boy's. Well here you go, a little glimpse at what Declan and Grayson do during the big boy's games.

 Eat snacks

 Play with Daddy

 Play in the dirt. 

 Make music with the bats in the dug out.

 Hang out together and eat snacks 

  Find a spot and eat the popcorn alone. 

And when all else fails they play iPods together.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Happy 10th Birthday Colin Samuel!! 

We were so happy to have celebrated this awesome guy's birthday. Colin is a funny, creative, inquisitive, boy who loves to read and writes amazing stories. He loves to swim, play baseball, hang out with his brothers, play Mine Craft and Pirate 101.
We started his birthday with a celebration on Memorial Day playing in the yard with Truesdell boys and enjoying both a homemade pie and a lovely french silk pie over at Gramma and Papa's. Then on his actual birthday the 28th we started with a little swim in the outside pool at the gym a fun lunch of his choice and then an afternoon of bowling. We ended our night with Texas Road House and presents at home. All in all a great birthday for a great boy!