Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A surprise trip to Lincoln

Thursday morning I got a call from Gramma asking our plans for the day. The older boys were off school due to teacher conferences so we did have plans to go to the SAC museum. As it turns out our plans were going to change due to the fact that Gramma had forgotten her purse at home and was going to be in Lincoln for the next two days for state meetings. How could you say no. So we decided to go spend the day in Lincoln. We started with a little lunch and then to the Children's museum for three and a half hours. I had been wanting to take the boys there for a long time and just haven't taken the time to do so.  It was nice that they all had so much to do from one to ten years old everyone was busy playing the whole time.

After the Children's museum we attempted to check out the Nebraska State History Museum. However, it was not a good idea to go there after 31/2 hours at the Children's museum with the little boys. They were not at all interested. We will have to go back another day with the Tristan and Colin.  So instead we headed to the Haymarket for some ice cream at Ivanacone. It was delicious.

The ice cream break gave everyone time to rest and re-energize for Morrill Hall at UNL.  Declan was very excited to go to the dinosaur museum and was in awe of the mammoth statue out front. Again they all enjoyed looking at the displays and doing the hands on activities  Especially the Dino excavation. Gramma met up with us half way through the museum.  After about three hours we dragged the boys out of the museum. (they were closing) and to dinner at the original Valentino's.
It was a very fun filled day. They all cannot wait to go again.