Sunday, February 24, 2013

Birthday Party

Today we celebrated Grayson's first birthday.  Tristan, Colin and Liam decorated the house with streamers and happy  birthday signs while Grayson took his nap. He was quite surprised and excited when he came down.  I love seeing the awe and joy in his face when he sees something new. We celebrated with Gramma, Papa, Uncle Brendan, Uncle Jonathan, Aunt Jasonea, Sheridan, Waylon and Grandma Shockey. Grayson was not shy when it came time to eat his cake. Unlike his oldest two brothers (who wouldn't eat their cake until they had a fork) Grayson tore right into it and pretty much ate every last piece. After he was all cleaned up Grayson enjoyed an afternoon playing with his cousins and brothers!

Happy First Birthday Grayson!!
We love you!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Happy Birthday Grayson!!

Grayson is one!!

He is a happy, healthy, active, busy boy. After entering the world five weeks early and ending a sleep over the boys were having (which he will never hear the end of) he is now right on track with our other boys for his height and weight. Grayson weighs 21 pounds and is 31 inches tall.

Happy Birthday Grayson!!