Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Snow Day

This morning at 5:33 I got the great phone call from OPS letting us know there would be no school today. I got up and turned all the boys' alarms off in hopes they would at least sleep until 7:30. Of course today they were up by 7:00.
I am perhaps one of the odd parents but I really like having snow days. They are a welcome surprise to share with my boys. They grow so fast I love having these times.
While other children may have been playing in the snow I took the boys swimming at the CSM pool with Gramma.

Friday, January 25, 2013

On the move again

Grayson turned eleven months last Saturday and to celebrate he has decided to become a walker! He tries to run but his little feet cannot go as fast as his mind wants them to. When ever someone catches him walking he gets a big smile on his face and looks so proud. He has not been very cooperative in allowing me to get a video of him. He sees the camera, drops and crawls as fast as he can to get the camera. I have been able to get a few pictures. He always seems to be carrying something as he travels.

We have been amazed that up until three weeks ago Grayson had nothing to do with the stairs. We have not needed to put up any gates until now. A few weeks ago he just started going up the stairs like he's been doing it for months. He has not figured out how to go back down yet. So with this new skill we installed the gate. Which he was NOT happy about. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Minnesota 2012

A bit delayed but here is a peek at a book I made of our amazing family trip to Ely Minnesota last summer.

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