Monday, September 24, 2012

On the move

I know crazy two posts in a week. Hopefully I can get to at least one a week there is a lot of catching up to do. 
For starters check out this little guy.

He just turned 7 months!! Grayson seems to be growing pretty fast these days for starting out so slow. He is a happy baby who struggles with acid reflux yet still tries to smile through it. He has been rolling around for almost two months, just started army crawling and is working on sitting up alone. His face lights up with an ear to ear smile when any of his big brothers come over to play.  Enjoy a few photos of Grayson from the past few months. Just click the link below.
Grayson May- September

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

School Time

A month ago school started back for these three.

Tristan is in fifth grade, Colin is in fourth grade and Liam started Kindergarten. They are all enjoying school so far. Liam is in the dual language program which means he is taught in both English and Spanish.  For one week he starts the day in the Spanish class in the morning then changes after lunch, then the next week it switches.  It is a great program he can already speaks Spanish with Colin they think it's funny when they say something I don't know. Liam loves school, all day kindergarten did take a little getting used to. It is a bit longer than his two and a half hour preschool.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Happy Birthday

Declan is two!! My sweet little boy is growing so fast. He loves playing with his big brothers and taking care of his baby brother. He is a ornery, silly, loving, happy guy. Delcan loves The Backyadigans, playing outside, swimming and jumping. I love watching him explore and learn. He doesn't eat a thing yet, somehow grows. He is still my best sleeper taking three hour naps and asking to go to bed. Before you know it he will be five like this guy.
Liam turned five on June 11 and pretty much asked everyday since if he was starting kindergarten. It took some time for him to realize that just because you are five you still have to wait for school to start in August. It's amazing how old five can seem to the mama. On the one hand he is still my little guy but on the other he's my big five year old trying to reason his way through the world. Liam loves science and is always trying to understand and figure out how things work. He is smack dab in the middle between the big boys who he wants to be just like and the little boys who look up to him.
And Colin is 9! He turned nine on May 28th. He is an awesome baseball player, Lego builder, story writer and artists. He loves to swim, play soccer in the backyard, go on bike rides and explore as much as he can. His laugh is in toxic and his dimple is so cute. He has a wild imagination, and a unique ability to create an amazing world in Wizard 101 (a computer game). It is so intricate and yet so real to him. Minecraft (another world making game) has taken over a bit this summer.