Thursday, May 10, 2012

Ten, Diese, Diez, Acest

No matter how you say it Tristan is now 10 years old!!!!
Tristan celebrated his tenth birthday on April 22. It was pretty low key since he was not feeling well. We kicked off the weekend with the school carnival on friday which they kindly always have on his birthday weekend. The morning of his birthday started slow with breakfast and presents then it was off  to the ballpark for a game. They won!!   We then went to Hu Hot for Tristan's birthday linner (lunch/dinner) as it turned out. He loves being able to pick what he wants from the buffet and watch the guys cook it on the big flat grill. But I think the best part is the s'mores you can make at your table. We then had a peanut butter chocolate cake at Gramma and Papa's house.  Where he got a catchers mit and immediatly went outside with Colin to break it in. They played for a good two hours. Guess it was a success. I say it every year I can't believe how old he is getting but 10! Geez he is old. He is also wonderful.

The following Monday when the boys had no school Tristan invited two friends to celebrate at Sempeks bowling. Which also included laser tag and go karts (let's hope he gets better at driving in the next 6 years). A simple but tons of fun day!!!