Thursday, March 1, 2012

Welcome to the world

On Sunday February 19th Grayson Emmett Shockey decided to join the world five weeks early.  He was born at 8:53 p.m. weighing 6 pounds 15 ounces and was 19 1/2 inches long.
For five weeks early he's a big healthy boy. He began his entrance into the world Saturday afternoon and slowly joined us a short thirty one hours later. Due to the fact that he was born at 35 weeks gestation he was required to go to the NICU for 24 hours. Luckily our nurse was also a NICU nurse and Grayson scored an 8 & 9 on his apgar test so he was able to stay with us about two hours before they took him away. It is quite strange to go through labor and have your little one taken away. However, because he was early we were happy to let the nurses and doctors check him out and do whatever was necessary to be sure he was healthy. We were blessed Grayson only needed a little help keeping his temperature up and by his 1:30 a.m. feeding he was already out of the baby warmer and in his own little bassinet. Unfortunately due to the hospitals policy he was not able to join us in our room until 6:00 p.m. on Monday.  We could spend as much time with him as we wanted in the NICU as well as bring family in to see him. Tristan and Colin were able to go into the NICU also and meet their new brother unfortunately Liam was sick and he had to be over six to enter the NICU so he and Declan were unable to meet his brother until we went home.
We are extremely grateful for the amazing help from Aunt Lindsey, Gramma, and Uncle Brendan with Tristan, Colin, Liam and Declan. It was wonderful being able to focus on the delivery and Grayson and not have to worry about how they were doing. I know they did not even skip a beat when they realized I was gone and Lindsey was there to take care of them. Lindsey had a few more boys than just ours since we were having a sleepover with 3 friends at the time. So yes I left Lindsey with seven boys between 17 months and 10 years old. She did great of course and because we did not know what was going to happen with Grayson Uncle Brendan ended up taking the friends home around 11:00 that night. I had thought it was a safe time to have a sleepover before the baby was born. I guess it just sounded like way to much fun and Grayson wanted to join the crowd.

As you will see in some pictures both Tristan and Liam were not feeling the best on the day Grayson came home. Liam had a really bad ear infection, fever and cough and Tristan was fighting a fever so they both wore masks when we brought Grayson home. It was wonderful to have all my boys finally together and at the same time it was nice of Gramma to take them home with her so Grayson and I could settle in and keep the sick germs away. They ended up staying with her for the week. By the time everyone was back home together no one was sick and Grayson was finally eating right. We were able to enjoy being a family of 7! Yes I said 7!