Friday, October 7, 2011

Declan's First Birthday

My little man is one year old. (by now almost 13 months) He has become quite the adventurous little guy. He started walking about 10 1/2 months old and is now running more than walking. It's hard to keep up with big brothers. Declan is such a lover and great at making the rounds for hugs and kisses to anyone around.
For his first birthday we had a little party where many family members where able to join in the celebration. A great surprise was Great Grandma and Grandpa Schulz from the farm were able to be here. (thank you Uncle Jim and Aunt Connie) We enjoyed dinner, cake and then the Husker game of course.
Declan started out a little timid with his cake but that did not last long as he soon dug right into it with two fists. I had to hose him down in the sink afterwards to get all the cake out of his hair. It was a wonderful day to celebrate a beautiful, funny, love able, daring little boy.

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