Friday, March 18, 2011

Well I guess it's been a little longer than I thought sicne our last post. I'll have to get back to Christmas later for now here's a little about what we have been doing.
Declan is now 6 months old! He is 16 pounds 4 ounces (27th percentile) and is 26.5 inches (54th percentile). He has hit all his milestones right on track. He loves to watch his big brothers play and you can see in his eyes how much he wants to join in. He has just started trying vegetables and loves them. He gets so excited when it's time to eat. He is such a happy little guy.I'm looking forward to watching Declan and the big boys as he gets bigger and starts to crawl after them.

Liam started preschool in January. He wakes up everyday asking what day it is and is disappointed five of the seven days since he only goes on Tuesday and Thursdays. He is turning into such a big kid. He loves to give hugs and kisses to Declan and play with him. I often see him a step or two behind Tristan and Colin but does his best to keep up.
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