Thursday, January 6, 2011

Christmas Part 1 and 2

Our Christmas began with the Shockey family getting together. Uncle Jonathan, Aunt Jasonea, Sheridan, Waylon and Grandma Shockey came over for dinner and Christmas fun. Greg made a nice dinner of ham, broccoli, fruit salad, rolls and Uncle Jonathan brought Heather safe potatoes that were very good and dessert. He even found an ice cream that was Heather safe. Enjoy a few pictures from this day.

Christmas Part 2
Our next Christmas was just us exchanging gifts before our trip. Mommy and Daddy had things that were way too big to take on a plane so we decided to do an exchange the day before we left. The boys were able to give their presents to each other too.

We were in Washington for Christmas with Krista and her family. More on this fun trip soon.