Saturday, October 30, 2010

First Trip

Declan took his first plane ride last week. (october 21st). He and I went to meet Aunt Krista and her family in Washington state. We landed in Seattle where Krista and Gracie met us at the airport. It was wonderful for Aunt Krista to meet Declan when he is still so little. She has seen all four of my boys now before they were two months old. Just a little fun thing for me. Anyway we had a great visit hanging out with Krista, Ellen, Martin and Grace. They all loved the little man and he loved them. Grace and Declan meshed very well together she got used to him crying and didn't seemed too bothered by it at the end of the trip. We look forward to Christmas at their house in just a few short months. Here are some pictures from our trip.

(some pictures are a little small you can click on the photos, it'll take you to Picasa then click on slideshow on the top left of the screen)