Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Out of the mouths of babes

This past weekend Tristan, Colin and Liam were building a robot in the basement with ALL the toys they could pile up. As they were building the following conversation took place.
Tristan: "I wish Grandma Towey could see what we are making. She'd be amazed!"
Liam: "Grandma Towey is sick."
Tristan: "No Liam Grandma Towey died."
It's both a sad and happy little conversation. I like that Tristan thinks about Grandma Towey and wants to show her things in his life. It's sad of course because she is gone.

Quote Two
As we were driving to pick up the "big boys" today Liam said: "I'm a big boy too, actually I am a training big boy."

Monday, August 16, 2010

First Day of School

Here we are again it's mid-August and Tristan and Colin have started back to school. They are at Crestridge Magnet School where Tristan is in 3rd grade and Colin is in 2nd grade. They were both very excited to be heading back this morning. Liam was looking forward to having complete access to the computer, the remote control(so he thinks) and all the toys. I'm thinking the thrill of having it all will wear out by noon and he'll want his "bruders" back.

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Colin has had a loose tooth since February or longer that finally came out on Monday!! He is very happy to be able to eat semi-normal again. However, it doesn't look like it'll be too long before the other front top one comes out. But then again this one took at least five months.