Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Toronto Canada

It's been quite the busy past few weeks. Gramma, Aunt Lindsey, Tristan, Colin, Liam and I took a rode trip to Toronto Canada. Gramma and Aunt Lindsey were presenting at a conference so the boys and I tagged along so that we could go to the amazing science museum and see the sights of Toronto. We arrived just after the G20 summit riots and left just before the Queen of England was coming to town. Our first day we took a boat tour around the harbor where Tristan, Colin and Liam all had the chance to captain the ship. Which they LOVED! Over the next few days we toured the city, and played at the science center. For Canada Day there was a huge display of tall ships that were really cool to see. At the science center we all had an awesome time playing, and touring the Harry Potter exhibit. Tristan was chosen to have a turn with sorting hat. He was chosen for Griffindor (unfortunately no pictures were allowed) The whole science center was amazing we ended up spending two days there. On Canada day we hit the road for what was supposed to be an hour and a half drive that took four hours to see Niagara Falls. A beautiful sight. We had a wonderful time on the trip, the boys loved that they went to another country. Krista and her family were waiting for us when we arrived home on 4th of July! More on her visit later. Enjoy a few pictures from our trip.