Friday, January 22, 2010

Potty Time

I am not the best potty trainer and really dislike the task. Of course I understand it comes with having children so here I am again with a 2 1/2 year old boy needing to begin the process. Monday I tried to put a pull up on Liam and he broke down crying hysterically. Not quite what I expected. So the other night after his bath Liam peed on the floor. When I acted very sad he said he was ready to go potty on his Diego potty chair. He tried really hard but nothing came out so he sat down on the steps to wait for the potty. (pictured above)About ten minutes later he said he was ready and this time a little came and he was very excited. He ran up and told his brothers right away. For the next hour or so he kept wanting to go potty, each time he wanted to call someone to share his accomplishment and get a little piece of chocolate. It was approaching 9:30 so I pretended not to hear him over the next half hour when he said he had to go potty. I'm thinking he just really wanted chocolate. Whatever works right!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

It truly is my favorite time of the year. I love watching and listening to the boys eagerly await Christmas morning jumping to the window because they thought they heard Santa. Tristan was up at 6:10 and had to let his little brothers sleep until 7:00. I'm sure he was in agony but he did it. Right on the dot he ran to get Colin and Liam up. Tristan and Colin had so much fun passing out presents and tearing into them. I enjoy seeing their faces light up as they see what is inside. Liam was excited but is not a 7:00 a.m. kinda guy so he was a little quiet at first. After a few minutes of watching his brothers he thought he better see what was waiting for him. We headed out into the winter wonderland (with the help of Mom's 4wheel drive) to Gramma and Papa's house to enjoy the festivities with them, Aunt Lindsey and Uncle Brendan. This time Liam was really into the elf part and helped pass out the presents with his brothers. After we opened presents we enjoyed our traditional Christmas Morning breakfast of grapefruit with brown sugar, bacon and Christmas bread. Delicious! Then off to the family room for stockings where Liam found a huge Hershey kiss and thought he was in heaven. We spent the rest of the day in pj's playing games and with new toys as there was no getting around town. We had to postpone the Towey family Chrsitmas due to the snow. Sunday we hosted the Shockey Christmas at our house. Aunt Jasonea, Uncle Jonathan, Sheridan, and Grandma Shockey enjoyed a brunch made by Greg and spent time unwrapping more gifts and playing together. Colin and Aunt Jasonea played Battle Ship while Grandma Shockey and Tristan played connect four. Between Christmas with families we took the boys sledding, ice skating, and to see a movie. Then it was time for the Huskers to play in their bowl game which they shut out the other team! And before I knew it it was 2010! We spent New Years Eve playing games, and snacking on great food. Papa lit a few fireworks to kick off 2010 and we cheered as the ball dropped in Times Square. All three boys stayed up for the new year and slept in the next day. A wonderful holiday time spent together with family.
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