Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Colin's First Tooth!

Colin has lost his first tooth! It became real loose Christmas day as he bit into a big Hershey kiss. However, it took four more days for the tooth to actually fall out. He was eating homemade doughnuts made by Gramma and thought she put nuts in them. (who would do that) As Colin pulled out the "nut" he was quite surprised to find his tooth!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009

A visit with Santa

Monday after school we went to see Santa. Greg and I had told Liam throughout the day totally expecting him to lose it once we got to Santa and start screaming and trying to get away. To our great surprise Liam saw Santa from down the hallway, grabbed Tristan's hand and told everyone to hurry because he sees Santa. The boys were the only ones there for a good ten minutes and were able to tell Santa what they wanted and Santa sang Santa's Coming to Town to the boys. It was the best visit with Santa we have ever had!

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Friday, December 11, 2009

Holiday Program

After three snow days it was back to school today, just in time for Tristan and Colin's holiday program. They of course did an outstanding job especially since they hadn't had a practice for a week. The program was only the kindergarten, first, and second grade which made it only an hour. Each class sang three songs and performed a little dance. Here are a few shots from the day.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Snow Days!

We have been enjoying three cold snow days. Tristan and Colin have been out of school since Tuesday when the snow started. School was canceled for three days total due to bitter cold and a lot of snow! We took advantge of the "first" big snow and played in the backyard (not the front because Greg doesn't think stomped up snow would look good for potential buyers as if their looking in the snow) Liam lasted the longest the first day out and barely made five minutes the second day due to the bitter winds and the snow up to his waist. Lindsey took Tristan and Colin to Memorial Park for their rite of passage sledding on a snow day. They had so much fun I was surprised they lasted an hour and a half.