Friday, July 31, 2009


Pictures from Colorado.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Road Trip, Family, and so much more...

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We have been very busy over the past month. Grandma Towey moved in with my parents, my Mom, the boys and I went to Colorado where we met up with Krista, her children and Papa. While in Denver we went to the Museum of Natural History and Science and the Botanical Gardens. Two great places. The museum was having an exhibit on Health. We were able to do many experiments. Tristan, Colin and Liam had so much fun. The next day we went on a Dino hunt at the garden. They had dinosaurs hidden among the plants. All three boys had fun searching for them. Krista's family arrived and we drove to Colorado Springs. We spent a day driving up to Pikes Peak while Krista was at a conference. All the children were able to climb the mountain which they loved. We had lunch in Old Town and finally found an ice cream shop.(we had been telling Tristan and Colin we'd go to one for three days) The second day we toured the breath taking Garden of the Gods. It is a truly beautiful place. We drove through the park and found a place the children could climb and play. Our next stop was Kearney, Nebraska where we toured the Gateway Bridge. It is also a neat place to see and again the children enjoyed every moment. Once back in Omaha we had fun playing with our cousins and visiting with the many family members who stopped by. We went to the zoo, a spray park, Krista put together art projects for the kids, and enjoyed a fun filled Fourth of July. We had such a good time with Krista's family. There are many pictures included in this entry, they give a glimpse of the fun we've been having!

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