Monday, May 11, 2009

Baseball and Mother's Day

Baseball has started! We started with two rain outs and have now played three games. Tristan and Colin are enjoying every moment. Tristan looks forward to next year when he will play "real" baseball. Liam has fun playing catch with his friend Sam and finding fun places to play as he watches his brothers play ball.
Mother's Day was a nice day, beginning with a full night of sleep (all three boys spent the night with Uncle Brendan). Daddy made a wonderful brunch for us all at Gramma's house, where the boys had a chance to try out Tristan's new rocket launcher. They had a lot of fun! We ended the day with a BBQ at Brendan's house. The boys were able to run around the backyard and enjoy the beautiful evening. I love watching the joy in their faces as they run and play.